Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jindal Has Not Endorsed Cao Or Any Other Louisiana Republican

I love Bobby but this is getting stupid fast!!! The Hayride has a hard hitting piece at The Endorsaphobia Thing Continues To Grate

None of these non endorsements make any sense!! This seems to be following a disturbing Mike Foster pattern from years ago.

Why oh why is he trying to burn bridges. Don't get it.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame him at all. I am not familiar with Cao, but I would not want my good name associated with such a person as David Vitter either. Besides the people of Louisiana are able to choose their own Senators and Representatives without any Governator butting into the matter.

James H said...

This is the problem. Jindal is a Republican. In some way he should be the unofficial head of the Party here.

Further he has never had a problem using the Louisiana GOP in his past elections and their resources. He has also courted past GOP Louisiana endorsements from politicos.

So basically he used the party but then gives it the finger (ONLY IN LOUISIANA I MIGHT IDEA) or that is how it is looking

Ok you can make a case a Vitter but it is hard too see the logic in the other races as the article points out

Anonymous said...

Jindal's interest in being governor of Louisiana is the stepping stone that it provides in his desire to be the first Indian-American POTUS. Louisiana is going to vote Republican, Jindal or whoever gets the nomination can take that for granted. He has nothing to worry about in Louisiana, he just has to be moderate enough to be elected up North where he is spending most of his time. You don't have to worry about "Bobby", he knows exactly what he is doing, from the choice of his name, to his conversion to Christianity.