Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sorry Hannity , Newt, and others Are Wrong On Mosque At Ground Zero Issue

Just watched Hannity on this and more disappointing an attorney I respect on this issue of the first amendment.

I am not thrilled with this but I am a lot more concerned about the first amendment here. I would get sick to my stomach if the KKK put up a KLAN chapel within a block of where MLK was killed. But yet if they bought the property and if lets say a Baptist or Catholic Church could be built there then denying them a permit is wrong.

The same logic I heard just there is the same certain liberals do on trying to make all sort of actions and speech "hate Speech". Not going down that road.

Am I the only conservative that thinks this goes against our core convictions even if it is very distasteful perhaps to many of us.


Let me give this scenario to my fellow Christians. Let us say that Church that opposes homosexual conduct wants to put a major Church in the Castro district of San Fran. Gays would respond that this was horrible. I mean a freakin huge Cathedral. That in their view such Churches not only discriminate against gays but have caused huge persecution and even DEATH to homosexuals to because of the views. PERMIT DENIED and the next week the a Lutheran gay friendly church( pic your faith community) gets the permit. SEE the problem?

You can't just set up a legal principle and precedent like this and hope it just applies to one particular case.

Update II-
Think of this. President Adams declares that no Catholic Churches can built in the D.C. until Protestants are allowed to have Churches in Louisiana and what we now know as Mississippi where the Protestant faith is outlawed.

What is the difference between that and Newt's Saudi Argument?


Jim said...

You are absolutely right. The principle always overrules the situation or the issue of the day. If our founding fathers taught us anything, surely this was it.

James H said...

Yeah. I mean I just shocked all this conservatives that talk the FOUNDING FATHERS and the Const all the time fail to see this.

They had the Lawyer that you see on CBN ( the whole Pat Robertson outfit) that does a lot of First Amendment cases on. He was like in the amen corner on this. I was like thinking was he aware of the precedent he wants to set!!

Just amazed