Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Can We Trust the Media ON Reporting Religion When They don't Report the Southern Baptist Convention?

Get Religion has a great post on this at No mouse ears for the media

A lot of issues addressed but this struck me:
By their apparent absence from Orlando, what are The Associated Press, The Washington Post and The New York Times — not to mention regional papers such as The Dallas Morning News and The Oklahoman — telling us? That the Southern Baptists aren’t news anymore? Or that their own coverage of such events isn’t relevant anymore?.

Wow the budget cuts have hit papers hard. In the end what does this tell us? Perhaps don't trust our main News sources to give us "Southern Baptist" insight on any issue if the the news services can't pay for Motel6 for their reporters at a very important annual event.

For a reporter to gain true insight he must be build relationships and get the lay of the ground. That develops over time. It appears that is not a high priority which shows us a indication that future "sources" in the MSM on stories will be rather thin.


Realist said...

I think the reason there was no news coverage of the convention was that there is nothing new to report. How many times do we need to be told that the Southern Baptists say that they are against divorce, but they have higher than average divorce rates themselves? Nothing they did at this covention was news.

James H said...

Well We think!!

The is always the Calvanist controversy and I do think their shift of funds to start looking North is sort of significant.

It would have been interesting to see that highlighted. But I agree besides that it seems to have been quiet so far

Realist said...

Maybe you know more about it than I do, but I am not aware of any controversy about Calvinism within the SBC.
I am not a Southern Baptist, but an old fashioned Missionary Baptist, so I don't share their zeal for building giant Mega-churches, and certainly not their desire to be worldly, practice politics, etc.
It does not surprise me or strike me as big news that they have voted to spend money to start SBC churches in the big northern cities. They are out to gain influence in this present evil world.