Friday, May 28, 2010

Social Justice Activist Jim Wallis Worried About All Those White People In the Tea Party

Sometime Wallis is in his own worse enemy. See There He Goes Again.

First it is not clear how actually Libertarian the Tea party movement or movements really is. I think there are several factions that have different viewpoints.

Now it is true the Tea party needs to expand into other demographics if it wants to be successful. However as to the black community we see the problem. The Democrats pretty much have that as a block vote. So yes it is a uphill battle.

However what about all those white people!!

It is funny but there seems to be a lot of movements that are very WHITE but because they are liberal no one cares

Umm like the Episcopal Church
The Green [arty strikes me as pretty white.
The Anti Iraq War Movement struck me as being very white
Heck the Environmental movement is still largely white
In fact in my neck of the woods the Christian Social Justice Lobby is often very white.
The Pro Palestine Anti Israel brigade seems very white.
The Pro-Choice movement and Feminist movement seems very white.

Now I know they are of course minorities in all the above. However one does get a sense that the black community as a whole ever really engages or is involved in huge numbers in many of the above causes. For instance we have issues of Environemental racism on occasion. They might make a appearance sometimes but on the whole it seems to me that is all very white led and supported.

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