Friday, May 15, 2009

Why is the Eastern Orthodoxy of Tom Hanks Off the Table

Get Religion has a interesting post that sort of alludes to this at Hanks and The. Big. Question.

Hanks has been involved in tow movies that have had a good number of Catholics (as well as other Christians in a uproar. Though these movie appears to be a tad more harmless.

Now while we are separated Catholics and Orthodox generally are in agreement on 95 percent of things. They might have "Pope" issues and indeed their spirituality is a tad different than the West but still are mostly two sides of the same coin.

I always curious why the media that takes a great interest in the Catholic viewpoint seem not to care about the Hank's Orthodox story. Maybe they just don't think about Eastern Orthodox and it never crosses their mind. Which would be a strange attitude for the Second largest Community the world.

1 comment:

  1. Tom Hanks is an embarrassment to the Orthodox Church, in my opinion.
