Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anti Catholic Comments At Conservative Blogs and Forums

Pro-Ecclesia has a must read post at HotAir and Hate: Anti-Catholic Bigotry from the Right

I don't visit Hot Air that much because i still have some problems with Malkin. However I can tell you that such nonsense is rampant. In fact I quit visiting the Free Republic forum over that issue.

This was on display when the immigration issue was hot. Now it is very true that there are Catholics that take a very hard line stance on this. Though I think Catholics Republicans and conservatives on the whole are much comprehensive immigration reform friendly on the whole. In fact I think evidence of this can be found in the exit polls in our recent Republican Presidential primary.

Still it is amazing how quick some of our friends and allies can resort to some anti Catholicism when times get tough or there is honest disagreement.

Conservative Republican Catholics are quite a diverse body. For instance I find a much more anti State execution sentiment. So this all creates tension.

Still even when Conservatives have disagreements I hope that people don't go to the lowest level in response.

Still the question is why is there an uptick in this now. The hot button issue of immigration is not really in people's mind right now like it was just two years ago.

Now I am not saying that disputes over Catholic practice is anti Catholicism. But lines do get crossed.

When my patriotism get questioned because I am a Catholic for instance that is crossing a line


Paul Bernacchio said...

I just got a call from the RNC (that's the Republican National Committee FYI) I told them what I will tell you here. The Republican Party is neither conservative nor pro-life. The Republican party was blowing money on spending as fast as the liberals could until the Chief of Waste Prez Obama came along and took it to another level. As for being pro-life, that is just lip service read Michael Steele's interview here: and you will clearly see that the head of the party is an abortionist. There is no option in my beliefs that gives a person a choice whether a child lives or dies. As I told Ed Gillespie, former Republican Party Chairman, the RNC is not getting a nickle from me because they are in essence no different from the Democrats, just a little bit less Socialist. Time to drop them they aren't worth jack.

Roger Hammer said...

It's not your fault, you were taught these things, it's the natural order of things. This may help you to understand your plight...