Saturday, March 7, 2009

Southern Baptist Leader Talks About Real Catholic / Evangelical Cooperation

I am downloading this mp3 audio of this speech now. I might comment on it later after I listen to it. I saw this over at the Action Inst blog:

Evangelicals and Catholics Together?

Posted by Hunter Baker on Saturday, February 28, 2009
Making Men Moral conference at Union University is over, but there are some takeaways. This was a unique engagement of many natural law thinkers such as the Catholics Robert George and Francis Beckwith with Southern Baptists like Russell Moore and Greg Thornbury.

In that connection, Russell Moore delivered a message that I think would be considered a highlight of the conference by anyone who attended. He addressed the differences between Catholics and Evangelicals irenically without being ecumenical in any mushy way and spoke eloquently about the joint engagement by the two groups with the culture.
This was a wholly edifying address that shied away from nothing. For that reason,
I’m linking the audio. It is well worth your time if you are interested in the relationship between the two traditions.
Let me underscore. Great address

Sounds good!!!

Update- Just Listened to it!! WONDERFUL. It is sort a busy LSU sports day- men's Basketball, womens basketball, and baseball etc. I want to listen to it again (it is about a hour) before I comment on it. It goes into directions one would not expect. I will doa update later


h said...

Interesting blog. It seems we agree on a lot of things. I think we'll be able to work with Catholics towards common goals when the current Anti-Protestant, Anti-Capitalist and Anti-American Pope is replaced.

We made great strides together during the early vigorous part of John Paul's papacy.

James H said...

Well I am not sure how the current Pope is any of that :)