I just saw this interesting appearance that McCain will be making Monday.
Senator John McCain will appear at the Scranton Cultural Center in Pennsylvania on Monday morning, September 22, to attend the Irish Presidential Forum, according to Republican Party sources. He will be the first Republican candidate in history to attend the forum, which is during each presidential election season.The forum’s founder, Irish American attorney John Dearie, told the Irish Voice, “It does seem like the forum is ready to go and Scranton, Pennsylvania will be the setting.”Scranton is the birthplace of Democratic vice presidential hopeful Joe Biden, and the implicit challenge the choice represents could hardly be clearer. The McCain campaign believes that working class Catholic vote is in play in 2008 and they are reaching out for votes in Democratic strongholds. ...........
More at the Link
Why is Senator McCain suddenly interested in the Irish issues, when he never supported the Northern Ireland peace process that essentially looked to help Catholics and Protestants alike?
For McCain's record on Irish issues, see
“Anonymous said...
Why is Senator McCain suddenly interested in the Irish issues, “
That is funny, and wrong.
You are certainly entitled to your own opinion but not your own twisted facts.
Your website is called “irishamericansforobamabiden” ,
If you are interested in the REAL voting record of John McCain on Irish issues you should get it from a FACT based source.
John McCain Supports Irish Issues.
James, I went to the Washington Post source you suggested, and to Senator McCain's site. There was nothing on Irish issues at all. If Senator McCain did something regarding Irish issues, what was it?
I've worked on Irish issues for nearly 30 years, and I'm confident Senator McCain has not done anything meaningful on Northern Ireland during that time.
That doesnt' diminish my admiration for Senator McCain in other areas, but please don't pretend he has a record on Northern Ireland, because he doesn't.
Когда труд - удовольствие, жизнь - хороша! Время быстро утекает сквозь пальцы опущенных рук. От всякого труда есть прибыль, а от пустословия только ущерб. Если ты сделал работу очень быстро, но плохо, то в скором времени все забудут, что ты сделал это быстро, а вот помнить о том, что ты сделал плохо, будут долго. Работай с умом, а не до ночи. Перед тем, как что-то сделать, - сначала подумай. Работать много тяжело, но это облегчает жизнь. Не то забота, что много работы, а то забота, как ее нет.
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