Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yes Jerome Corsi Is a Kook

I took this contributor to task the other day At Vox Nova over some charges he was making but he was on the right track yesterday with how disappointing the so called Pro-life gains in the Democrat platform are and today how Jerome Corsi is a tad of a problem.

Corsi's statements as to the Catholic Faith that he made on a message board never really got me hot and bothered. By the way he was banned from the Free Republic which tells you something.

No his hairbrained loony ideas on how oil is made and his constant harping on Conspiracy theories and how Bush and others are behind some plot for some North American Union among other things made me feel if was either crazy of just some sensational journalist , or just wanted to make a buck publishing nonsense or all the above..

It is very interesting to watch what conservatives and Republicans will not be leaping to his defense. I will not be one of them. His book might be very well be documented ( I am not intending to read it) but his past and his numerous appearances on the Art Bell show I think make him sort of problematic to say the least. Needless to say I will not be promoting his book.

It is of interest that "his" book about Kerry he had little to do with. There is also a interesting story about some huge hurt feelings that Corsi got that book and the credit and the money for work he did not do. All this is all sort of the background story.

I thought THE CORNER had a interesting take on this today and though it did not go into the inside baseball of DC politics and anti Corsi feeling in many Republican circles it is perhaps hinted at it:

Corsi. Both articles suggest that in Obama Nation, Corsi is trying to replicate what he did to John Kerry in 2004:

Four years ago this month, the release of a critical book by Jerome R. Corsi undercut the cornerstone of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's campaign narrative, his military service in Vietnam.Now, Corsi has reappeared with another popular book, The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, attacking yet another Democratic nominee, Barack Obama…
Does anyone remember that the true author of the Swift Boat book was John O'Neill and the other Swift Boat veterans who served alongside Kerry in Vietnam? The power of the Swift Boat accusations was based on the fact that Kerry's fellow officers believed him unfit to be commander-in-chief. They had specific stories, based on their first-hand memories, to tell about Kerry's service in Vietnam.

I've written before that some of those memories were accurate and some weren't, but in any event, Jerome Corsi wasn't part of that group. Personal testimony is powerful; Corsi didn't have any to add to the Swift Boat accounts in 2004.Now, Corsi's Obama book, while selling well, doesn't have the same impact. If he had written it with — to come up with a hypothetical — several of the ministers who worked with Obama in the 1980s who say he is unfit for office, then that would have been a big story, and comparable to the Swift Boat book. But those ministers aren't saying that. This is not 2004..............

There is a lot of interesting stuff going on behind the scenes of the Corsi story that I expect will not be covered.


Anonymous said...

Obama For President!

James H said...

In your dreams Annymous LOL


Anonymous said...

Sometimes dreams really do come true...don't they, James?