Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hating on the Top 25 Football Teams ( A guide)

Ok I admit this pretty funny. Do not click if offended by bad language or crudeness. :)

This is what he said about LSU (with my slight editing so web filters do not block my web site.

6. LSU
I’ve had your cuisine, Cajun people. And you know what? It’s bullsh**. Ooh, crawfish! It’s like a lobster, but without the meat! Hooray! “Come hee-yah, son. You gotta tase thizz jambalaya. Mayg yo mouf watta.” Oh, you mean the sludge with the overcooked rice and month-old rectum sausage? Yeah, that’s a treat. Get your food away from me.

And quit gloating over having the lamest national championship team in history last year. And quit bitch**** about how you shouldn’t have had to share the national title with USC in ’03. No one gives a sh** about you people. Didn’t FEMA tip you off to that already?

Also, jazz? It blows. Try writing a song with some structure and hooks next time. Jazz is like sc*t singing, but with horns. And s#at singing is worse than AIDS.

He is a equal opportunity offender.


Cajun Huguenot said...

I didn't find his blog very funny. I thought is was a poor attempt to imitating Don Rickles.

I don't think he even cam close.


James H said...

Yeah I would expecta tad better if this was going ot be in a book