Monday, August 11, 2008

Louisiana Coastal Erosion Affects Entire State

It is indeed frustrating that with all this talk of ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT that the biggest environmental crises in the United States is largely being ignored. The threat to the National Security of the United States, various aspects of our food supply, the Cultural issues, the wildlife issues, the immense economic disaster that is looming barely gets a mention.

That is Louisiana Coastal erosion. I was reading another article on the wonders of BIO fuels this weekend. I am sure IOWA thinks for instance thinks BIO fuels are the cats meow. However all this nitrogen rich runoff is creating a huge dead zone in our Gulf. Why do we not hear about that?

The irony of the Environmental issued oriented Catholics in the United States has not escaped me. In one of the most unique Catholic areas in the nation the issue of Coastal erosion and the Gulf Dead zone is hardly on their radar. All we hear about is more demands to quit off shore drilling.
Anyway if any Louisiana folks need more convinving of the problems see this article that appeared in the Daily World in St Landry Parish. Go see Louisiana coastline is important to central La

Please visit the American Wetland Foundation to find out ways to help

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