Saturday, August 2, 2008

It was HOT today in Louisiana- Like AFRICA HOT

as my grandmother likes to say.

August is always a hot one here. My corner of the State (Where in my little town it hit 105 today) is often more hotter than Dallas. I have never figured that out since Dallas has all that concrete and little shade. It is one of those day where the weather guy offers helpful info such as it was 105 but according to the heat index it was really felt like it was 126!!!

To make matters worse hundreds of thousands of Louisiana citizens took advantage of LOUISIANA NO SALES TAX DAY which is aimed to all the people with kids that they are getting back into school.

I really can't imagine anything worse today than having a bunch of kids in the car and going from place to place to buy school stuff and clothes in this heat !! You have to run here ans there but the distance is not enough to really get the car cool and when you return to it it is like the temperature of the sun. All those children getting cranky and wanting a cherry lime aid at Sonic except the problem is everyone else had the same idea.

So then you have to go the Circle K or the Starvin Marvin to buy an ICEE except the Air Conditioner can't keep up in the store because the door is always open and everyone that couldn't get to Sonic had the same idea as you.

All the while your kids are in the Car , the air is on high and you are paying over 4 dollars a gallon of gas., AND YOU STILL HAVE TO BUY SHOES WHICH HAS THE BOYS IN THE CAR ABOUT TO REVOLT AFTER HOURS OF THIS!!!

This all makes me feel better about my non productive debate with the curtains closed, the air on high and watching baseball on tv

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