Monday, August 11, 2008

Archdiocese of Baltimore and Legionaries of Christ Reconciling? ?

The Deacon Bench reports some hopeful news at Baltimore and the Legionaries of Christ: an update

I do hope things work out. The Legionaries of Christ is one of those hot button issues in the Catholic blogs shere. As like we see as to other movements in the Church, such as the Latin Mass Movement, THE WAY, The Charismatic renewal, and others, there are of course tensions and legitimate questions and concerns.

However that generally goes to all groups. I must say that the sometimes those that argue that the Legionaries need to reform certain attitudes and practices are correct. However I find that this often goes into all war and bashing on the Legionaries which I do not find helpful or Christ like at all.

Hopefully the Legionaries actions above will lead some to hold their fire a tad. I have no dog in this in that I am not involved with the Legionaries or their lay group. However they do good work and are a part of many Catholics lives. For that reason alone I think we should not go charging around like a bull in a china shop as to some difficult issues.


Anonymous said...

Child abuse is more than "a difficult issue"

James H said...


I am aare of the complints that perhaps their Spiritual direction of children as to vocations at a early age is problematic. I think that is what is being addressed

Anonymous said...

The Legionaries indeed do good work. I applaud you for mentioning this. Like all human organizations they have much to remedy. Let's give them a chance to ajust to their new circumstances after the death of the Founder - the Church needs their vitality and charism. I don't know whether many of the allegations about the Founder are true. The case is certainly not closed and I suspect many reasoned voices are being shut out of the discussions