Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Senator Brownback Said What?

I like Senator Brownback a whole lot. He is a example of a Christian and Catholic Senator that is the par excellance. When Brownback is talking about God, faith, Jesus, John Paul the II , he is just not putting on a show. National politicians when they come to Louisiana for political events often do not spending the night in the toughest prison in America. or telling political foes they had sinned against them and ask for their forgiveness. Also I pretty much like his positions on all the issues

However, I am not supporting him for President. Why? Because Governor Mike Huckabee will be a better President for this Country because of his experience and the way he can connect to people accross party lines. . In the end, as to viewpoints that I am concerned about as a Catholic they pretty much mirror each other. The difference being that HUCKABEE CAN GET ELECTED.

Case in point is a gaffe that Kevin Tracy at his blog points out. Go read Brownback’s Mucaca Moment. Is Brownback racist? Heavens no.!! However as Kevin points out correctly we cannot have a lot of gaffes like this along the way. I hate to say it but Sen Brownback often makes those or more to the point he has to correct the misunderstanding his comments generate. To be honest that is just lack of experience showing. However, at this point in this new media age and the fact that the primaries are so front loaded, we can't afford to wonder if this is just a case of him getting his sea legs. I know people hear every 4 years the phrase " this is one the most important elections in American history". The fact is that in this case that cliche is correct for numerous reasons. Especially as to the Supreme Court. We barely dodged a bullet a couple of years ago. Can you imagine if a President Kerry had replaced Rehnquist and O'Conner with his folks!!!! The hard work of the pro life movement would have been set back decades at least. Right now it should be pointed out that we are just replacing our own. We still need that other magic justice. In all likelihood that will be Justice Stevens who is currently 88.

I am going to be putting the Kevin Tracy blog in two sections of my blogroll. I really enjoy his blog after going through his archives. First I am going to be putting him under the Huckabee link section. However he is also a devout Catholic that talks about politics and faith. Therefore I shall also be placing him under the Catholic section of bloggers also. Be sure to check him out on a regualar basis.

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