Monday, July 8, 2013

Pope Francis's First Encyclical The Light of Faith & The Role of Faith In Society and The Public Square

I have read through Pope Francis's first encyclical, The Light of Faith, a few times. Mirrors of Justice which is dedicated to Catholic Legal Theory hit on a certain part.  .

Here is a passage from paragraph 55: 

If we remove faith in God from our cities, mutual trust would be weakened, we would remain united only by fear and our stability would be threatened. In the Letter to the Hebrews we read that “God is not ashamed to be called their God; indeed, he has prepared a city for them” (Heb 11:16). Here the expression “is not ashamed” is associated with public acknowledgment. The intention is to say that God, by his concrete actions, makes a public avowal that he is present in our midst and that he desires to solidify every human relationship. Could it be the case, instead, that we are the ones who are ashamed to call God our God? That we are the ones who fail to confess him as such in our public life, who fail to propose the grandeur of the life in common which he makes possible? Faith illumines life and society. If it possesses a creative light for each new moment of history, it is because it sets every event in relationship to the origin and destiny of all things in the Father

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