Friday, January 25, 2013

Zachery Louisiana Young Man Shows God 's Plan Comes Full Circle As To Abortion - March For Life 2013

The March for Life has just finished up in Washington D.C. I hope to find some Louisiana related stories and pics to put up later on.

However I saw this very compelling story today  from Gary Berkel called Protecting the Unborn that had as a part of it a Louisiana twist. 

....Matthew Law, 17, lives near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. During a bus trip to Washington, D.C. to participate in a second March for Life, he found out for the first time that he was nearly aborted. Sitting next to his adoptive mother who went with him on the trip, Christine Law sensed it was time for her to share how she had reached out to his biological mother, a woman who had lived on the streets and was sexually active. Christine had counseled her and tried to persuade her to carry Matthew to term and to let her adopt him.

But, at six months in her pregnancy, Matthew’s biological mother went to an abortion clinic that, unbeknownst to her, did not perform late-term abortions. A nurse telephoned Christine who Matthew’s biological mother had listed as an emergency contact. It was during that phone conversation that Matthew’s birth mother decided to forgo the abortion.

“When I found out that I was a baby saved from abortion, I was amazed by the power of God,” Matthew states. “My life has come full circle in a way, because now, here I am fighting to save lives the way my mother fought to save mine.” As a result of being born prematurely with resultant medical issues, Matthew’s birth mother also came near death while delivering him. Mathew’s birth mother recounts that her own mother was told that she would be brain damaged and that she should be left at the hospital to die. The anguished mother instead took her struggling premature baby home.

Matthew Law, 17, has founded a Teens4Life chapter in Baton Rouge and was recently presented with a youth award “for his Christian leadership and witnessing of gospel values.” “I want people to know that we are survivors and that our lives mean something—something powerful in the sight of God,” Matthew declares....

Read his whole post.

 I decided to google around for Mr Law and found this wonderful article on him from the Baton Rouge Catholic Newspaper from 2011 which has a picture of him here and more on that story ..

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