Thursday, April 14, 2011

Louisiana psychiatrist Who Testifyed Against Catholic Church Gets Two years for Child Porn

Oh Boy. First From the Catholic League:

Dr. Steve Taylor, a Louisiana psychiatrist who has worked with the Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests (SNAP), has been sentenced to two years in prison for possession of child pornography. The news drew the following response from Catholic League president Bill Donohue: How many more morally debased psychiatrists are working with SNAP? Did SNAP leaders know about the leisure-time activities of Dr. Taylor?

When did they know and what did they do about it? It's time we learned the truth. What we know already is nauseating. In 2008, Dr. Taylor's computer was seized by the authorities after they learned that he was downloading child pornography. He was jailed on 107 counts at the time, and in September of last year a grand jury indicted him. The court accepted a plea bargain from him this week. Dr. Taylor got off easy, at least according to his own standards.

In 2003, speaking for SNAP clients, he argued that the confidentiality of the confessional seal should not be respected by the law. In a contemptuous statement against the Catholic Church, he voiced his objections to a unanimous decision by the Louisiana House Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice protecting the confidential communication of priests, ministers, rabbis and other clergy members. He said at the time that the seal has to be broken because "We have faces now."

Well, SNAP, we now have the faces of the children your colleague downloaded to feed his sick habits. If breaking the priest-penitent privilege is something you support, will you now support turning over the patient records of Dr. Taylor? Will you support a probe of this matter? What if there is more evidence against him? What if there are more victims? You're always looking for new victims, aren't you? Strike when the iron is hot—who cares about psychiatrist-patient privilege?

The New Orelans paper has something on this as well as his background

I saw in the last comment this: Steve Taylor - Everybody's Favorite Pedophile Go online and read LA Board of Medical Examiner's complaint NUMBER: 09-A-024. It's DISGUSTING how these flakes try to cover up for each other. I'm sure the board will start having "technical" problems with these docs any minute.

1. The board sends Taylor to the Behavioral Management Institute in Atlanta to be evaluated by Dr. Gene Abel, M.D. (the guy who literally wrote the book on Pedophiles).

2. When Taylor is faced with taking a polygraph test, he admits to intentionally downloading the kiddie porn.

3. Taylor changes his tune for the board and says, “I’m an old man and I get confused.”

4. The board then chooses to believe Taylor and focus on what the experts DIDN’T say in their report, rather than dealing directly with the fact that Taylor admitted to downloading child pornography. In a nutshell, the eval says he’s got screws loose and the medical board attacks the professional they hired.

Why? There’s a shortage of shrinks, for starters. Second, they seem to want to cover up for each other


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