Monday, July 19, 2010

Will The Future Catholic Church Have Married Priests?

Over at Patheos they are doing a future of Catholicism project with a lot of good diverse voices.

The blogger from Deacon Bench has a post where he said the future includes married Priests.

Let me say I understand this is a discipline and not a dogma. I would not be up in arms if one day we had married priests. However like many converts to the faith I sort of shake my head at Catholics that think this is the magic cure all. We converts have seen the other side to say the least.

Catholics are in this modern age sort of spoiled. Let me say AMERICAN Catholics are spoiled. We had the Irish come over in the 1800's and the Sisters , brothers, and Priests were so many it was like a Catholic social welfare system from cradle to grave. From birth , to school , to the nursing home they were there.

However for a good bit of American history Catholics had to survive without having a Priest at their beck and call every day. In fact they might not see one for months. Somehow the faith survived!!!

Before we get to the ques ton of married Priests perhaps we should be wondering why some Diocese have major vocations and others do not. Earlier today I posted how the Campus Ministry at Texas A @ M is producing major vocations. Why there and not elsewhere?

The main reason I oppose married Priests is it like trying to cure a cancer with aspirin. Why are some areas on fire with vocations and others are not? I say it has to deal with the local spirituality of the people for whatever reason. I rather deal with that aspect and try to duplicate it. Because if we do we shall see the Catholic concept of vocation in areas way beyond the Priesthood in various areas.

Again I think sometimes Catholics want to go for the quick fix. That might not be called for here.


  1. I'm not a fan of the Catholic Church changing the rules on allowing married priests. The vocation of a priest is a 24/7 job and marriage and raising a family is extremely time consuming. I can't see how the two can mix. I know the argument that ministers do it...but for some reason, I think that making a change like that will be a very bad idea.

    And if they are married...will they be given a salary to raise their families? Will they buy their own homes or will the Church provide them. If the priest and his wife have a large family, will the Church be willing to pay him enough to buy a large home or what? What if his wife divorces him? Who will pay her child support or alimony? Too many roadblocks...too many snags. Bad idea, IMHO.

  2. Hi! First of all let me say contratulations for your blog is very interesting and I've been reading it long time ago but never try to write anything! I just come back for a passionate Jerusalem Tours and read this post last night and I need to comment.

    I honestly think that allowing marriage for catholic priests is a mistake. I'm a true catholic and I think this decision simple does not fit with what tha catholic church is. This is a very basic pillar. Through my point of view a priest has to be deliver to God and his church. Nothing else. His task is so much important to waste time raising a family. God is your family. A priest has to be entirely commited to his task because is too much important.

  3. Yeah I agree with both of you. I think the Vocation crisis is a symtpom of a much bigger underlying problem
