Monday, July 12, 2010

Thank God After A Week A Dentist That Can Take Me

8:30 tomorrow morning. I swear I have been living Dante's Levels of Hell the last two week. I seriously considered going to the store buying a fifth and pulling the damn tooth myself.


  1. James, I'm really sorry about your troubles. I didn't know it had to do with a bad tooth.

    Man, I've got the t-shirt on that one. The Bible talks about an unfaithful man being like a broken tooth (that's pretty close anyway).

    Nothing will drag you down like that. Glad you found a dentist that can see you. They'll give you some relief pretty quick.

    Once again, I'm really sorry for you that you're dealing with that...I know it is just truly miserable. Get better, man!

  2. Andy I so appreciate that. I mean tooth and mouth pain will just makeeyou feel so low

    It is strange at night I am hurting and can't go to asleep but the light comes in in the dawn and I sigh in relief and maybe can get 4 hours of sleep in which is heaven. I swear tooth pain must be the worst.

    That is one reason I have not been posting. It was much more safer to just stay still and not get out of bed. You start going and boy it hits hits it

  3. Wow, that sure was painful reading from your brief description of your experience. That kind of pain might make me punch my own tooth to divert the pain. But I hope you find a dentist (Charlotte, NC) as soon as possible, 'coz that kind of problem shouldn't be ignored.

    The last time I had such pain was when my wisdom tooth was giving me trouble. But thank goodness, my friend brought me to a dentist (Fort Mill) which is a few blocks away from my friend's home. I felt good after the operation since there would be no more problem that would make me roll on my bed in pain.
