Friday, July 9, 2010

Regarding the lack of Blog Post This Week

Sorry the Lack of Blogging this week. I have felt very very under the weather. Obama could have invaded Quebec this week and I would have cared less for how I have felt. Worse yet I am not sure I am over the worse of it .

Hopefully some post later


  1. Was wondering about you this morning! Hope you're better soon.

  2. I was concerned about you, James H. It is unusual for the most prolific blogger in the area to keep silent for so long. I hope you get well soon.

  3. Rest up James H! My blog has taken a back seat to a combination of health issues and a crazy hectic schedule at home, and the best thing I did was to take a break from writing posts to avoid burn-out.

    I'll be back...and great story on the University of Illinois prof. being fired for teaching Catholicism in a Catholicism class. Unbelievable, eh?

  4. Here's hoping you feel better, James.

