Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obama Top Staffers Running Around Topless In DC (PICS)

Yes I was depressed when I clicked on the link too. Not what I was expecting. See Are Obama staffers overexposed?

As a critic of the White House I am not seeing what the big deal is. Maybe it is my casual Louisiana attitude. Of course even here in Louisiana I am not familiar with a lot of bars where guys are walking around with no shirts on. Well except in the French Quarter.

Who knew Georgetown was so relaxed!! Maybe there was a beach theme that afternoon.


  1. A speechwriter and a press aide on their own time. I don't see the problem.

  2. If this is the worst they do...

  3. Yeha I agree. I eman what do these guys do at the BEach. I mean if this was a high class club but it is not
