Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stephen Hawking Says We Need to Hide From Aliens Not Seek Them Out!!

See Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking

Tip of the Hat to Instapundit


Andy said...

I'm not sure why everyone is so sure there is extraterrestrial life out there. Sure, God could have created it and sure already existing aliens could have sewn genetic material throughout space, but absent that, the likelihood is so remote that life would spontaneously be created, the likelihood that it would happen multiple times throughout the galaxy would be even more remote. Sir Fred Hoyle once stated that even if the the entire universe was made from primordial ooze, it is still unbelievably unlikely life would emerge. I believe he likened it to a galaxy full of blind men solving a rubik's cube at the same time.
Hawking says some interesting things, but is known to make mistakes. I'm not faulting him on that, science is largely a trial and error process.

James H said...

I think his argument about Aliens runing around gettng materials is odd. It seems at that point things could be manfuactured for the fraction and amount of the material