Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vatican To Open Medjugorje Can Of Worms

Take the supposed controversy over bringing wider use to the Latin Mass and multiply by a 1000. Aggie Catholics has Vatican To Investigate Medjugorje .

I am not really looking forward to this and I hope no matter what the Vatican conclusion there is people will accept it. People on all sides of this need to be praying for each other.


  1. I have visited before but haven't spent the time to read all of your links. Great blog.

    I'll be back ... more often.

  2. I just happened to watch the first episode from Michael Palin's New Europe series last night. He visited the site and interviewed one of the people involved. Pretty interesting. It was mentioned in about a 5 minute segment. The New Europe series came out in 2007.

  3. YEah I am torn on this. The Church has been will hesitant on taking a stand. My main problem is that the alleged apparations have been going on FOREVER which is needless to say beyond the norm.

    It is a a real sensative issue espcially in places like New Orleans. I usually avoid the topic on here because it gets people upset
