Monday, January 25, 2010

A Picture Shows Why Catholics Must Defend Faith in the Public Square

This means people of all Faith. Sometime it appears our Evangelical bothers and sisters get it over the head. THEY WANT TO CREATE A THEOCRACY and other nonsense. Just look at all the vile over Rick Warren speaking at Obama 's inauguration. Of course as we have seen recently in the media the anti Catholic vile can come up too again.

Still the above picture at the March For Life Rally shows us how far we have come. It would have not been that many decades ago(like in our grandparents lifetime) such a picture would have sent anti Catholics into a outrage. PAPIST POWER and all that. If it appeared on the front pages of many papers nowadays there would not be much comment.
Let us not forget that we have a responsibility to make sure that right is important for others. Our ancestors paid for that.

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