Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Health Care Bill's Failure to Pay for Abortion Violates Catholic Social Justice

So says the loony toons at the New Republic.

What makes this article worse is it is written by someone that teaches at BOSTON COLLEGE!!!

One other aspect of this vote is sure to be subject to discussion as the health care bill reaches the Senate floor. The Stupak Amendment will not prohibit all insurance plans from paying for abortions, but will restrict those held by the less well off. In that sense, Stupak’s amendment violates the commitments to social justice and equality that have become so much part of the worldview of younger Catholics such as those I teach at Boston College. Stupak, a Catholic from Michigan, along with his allies among the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, have taken a step likely to be perceived as blatantly unfair by those who constitute the future of their church. If this is Catholicism muscling its political power, it sure is a strange way to do so.

I really am concerned about what the hell is teaching up there.

NRO has thoughts on this article here

The article is flawed in many ways and one again wonders what this guy is teaching at Boston College. The sort of "us" versus them them in the article (Baptist with bad political motives versus good Catholics and Everyone versus the South) is tiresome. It ignores the fact of the reality of the huge Catholic migration to the south and sunbelt that has been going for decades where Catholics are much more socially and politically conservative.

So if have five minutes of your life to waste read it.

All New Republic has to do next is have the insufferable Damon Linker do a post on the pending Catholic Theocracy and they will be batting their usual 100.

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