Monday, September 7, 2009

More If You Oppose Obama You Are A Racist Loon Nonsense

Ahh Law Prof Ann Althouse fisks the latest nonsense (which is basically the meme we have been hearing for some time, at "Loons should shut up and listen: Obama not out to brainwash schoolkids."

The racism charge is getting old and in fact I find that it a real way it insults President Obama. The President has some serious ideas and he is being engaged on it.

For my part I never hear or get the sense that race is the problem. In Louisiana people are concerned that cap and trade will hurt our economy. That the health care bill is a disaster. That the President agenda on gay marriage and abortion is not where they are at all. In a state with a huge military presence and has now one of it's most important air force commands there is a concern over foreign policy. There are concerns about debt and what happens if the Chinese want to cash their IOU's in. Very little is race.

Why do I suspect Obama is perhaps a little insulted by his defenders.

The whole Speech to school kids would not have been a big deal if there were silly PSA by actors on how to help the President and then a similar goof up by Depart of Education. How do you expect people to react.

Are people that Angry? I think angry is the wrong word. It seems we all live some much in our time and forget history. I think American were pretty angry during Vietnam. Americans were pretty angry at all those riots I saw at the conventions in the late 60's. Many Americans were angry in the Civil Rights movement. Heck we had in the 30's everyday American rooting on bank robbers because they felt the money people were keeping them down.

Perhaps the word is engaged.

Anyway the Obama administration has itself to fault for this anger. They offered little bi partisanship. In fact the President lowered the prestige of the office to try to make a foil of a talk radio host. So cry me a river as they say.

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