Monday, August 10, 2009

In the Episcopal Church All Eyes Turn To South Carolina

Cotton Country Anglican has the latest at GC2009, As the dust settles and the reactions begin, part V: +Lawrence writes his to his clergy ...

To be honest it is time for the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina to take a stand. I love Episcopal folks but even the most Orthodox seem to have an irritating habit of ignoring the Crisis outside their Diocese or individual parish. I understand that. It is comforting. Who wants division. But good grief this is not 1850 or even 1960. Chances are in this age if you are an Episcopal raised in South Carolina you are and no doubt your children will have to ,because of work, be in several different parts of the country. If the orthodox Episcopal folk don't take steps NOW to do a national structure to keep the traditional Anglican faith alive they are screwed!! They or their children will move to a Diocese where the "Priests" are supporting planned parenthood and have leaders saying abortion is a Sacrament and say the hell with this I will just become a Baptist or a Methodist.

In other words it is not time to just to start some other group( these Episcopal organizations with their acronyms are starting to rival the Pentagon). If someone does not take a stand these de facto schisms will continue.

I guess I don't understand this. It is clear that looking at the last General Convention the TEC has no problems starting a worldwide Anglican civil war over issues such as Gay marriage and other assorted stuff. If you are an Orthodox Anglican why in the hell would you want to be in communion with that!! I just don't get it.

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