Monday, May 4, 2009

More Catholic Evangelizing Success On Secular College Campuses (Will it be Duplicated)

Amy Welborn has a great piece here at Catholics Evangelizing on Campus

With all these Notre Dame an Georgetown talk we forget the crucial role that Catholic Student Centers play on Secular college campuses. Again we see this linked to the incredible success of the Catholic Center at Texas A and M.

Again as some well known publication have gone on their yearly rant about the Vatican needs to change the Priesthood requirements up because of the vocation Crisis we see

There are nearly 100 “Aggie Vocations” to the priesthood and religious life; and in the last nine years alone, 75 Aggies have entered seminaries, convents and monasteries around the world. In addition, this year 14 former students, a record number, have entered formation for the priesthood and religious life.

This Is AT ONE SCHOOL!!!! It would seem to me the United States Bishops would be taking a high interest in what is going on there. There is nothing I suspect in the water that makes Catholic college students want to be come Priest, and religious.

Again the Vocation crisis is largely a problem we have done to ourselves. If these many college kids go in religious vocations just imagine what kind of everyday Catholics they are producing. All at a secular school

Update for Louisiana Folks-
Can you imagine if the Bishops took the Texas A and M model on Louisiana Colleges that have such a high ratio of Catholics. Imagine the vocations and other huge benefits that would have at schools like LSU, Nichols, ULL, and Mcnesse!!!

I don't understand why this not happening

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