Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cardinal Mahony Attacks the Latin Mass

I am going to have more on this religious educator conference that is being hosted in LA. However Cardinal Mahony gave an online question and answer session here.

In part of it:

Ann Scolari: What are your thoughts on the Trindentine mass?

CardinalMahony: Ann: The Tridentine Mass was meant for those who could not make the transition from Latin to English [or other languages] after the Council. But there is no participation by the people, and I don't believe that instills the spirit of Christ among us.


The Cardinal does not get it and also he MUST know he is mistaken. The issue of course is not just language but the changing of the prayers themselves in many instances. Also the bigger problem is the Liturgical abuse Catholics have to suffer when the regular form of the Mass is performed incorrectly. The "Latin Mass" is often a refuge from this. Further the Cardinal should know that Benedict wants the two forms to influence each other and thus influence the wider Church

Don't even get me started on his view of "participation" What mindless propaganda

Update- Father Z has more at Card. Mahony on the “Tridentine” Mass


Carlos Echevarria said...

I love the Latin Mass, especially on EWTN from Alabama.

Did you know in Italy the 18-24 yr olds, roughly, prefer the Latin Mass as something new and kind of cool...

My Latin is not great, but I try, I do speak Spanish and Portuguese as well. (little French, some Italian, all Romance Languages)

James H said...

I agree. THe Latin Mass is not my regular liturgy but I recongnize it brings something import. I can't believe Cardianls are so clueless at times

Joe said...

I don't attend the TLM, but I find Cardinal Mahoney's comments to be ignorant. Also, I understand why some people have devotions to it. I, personally, don't ... but at the same time I think the Cardinal is insulting our heritage as Latin Rite Catholics.

Anonymous said...

Cardinal Mahony is ignorant and meglomaniacal. He likes to speak as though he were the final word on any subject. Just two more years . . .

Anonymous said...

Letter written.