Friday, February 20, 2009

Tearing Apart Time's Piece on Catholic Hysteria Toward FOCA

Get Religon does it nicely

See Chain letters and unnamed sources

I hpe before the usual suspects on the more Catholic Obama supporting left post the Time article they engage this post.

Darwin Catholic made an excellent point at American Catholic at Trust Us, We Were Lying! on FOCA.

I don’t see how we can even discuss politics if we don’t assume that the promises which a politician expressly makes on the campaign trial represent something which the politician at least thinks would be a good idea.I don’t really doubt that if a some Republican presidential candidate were to get up in front of The American Nativist Association and announce that “the first thing he would do” about immigration reform would be to the sign the “Pure America Act” which would allow for the immediate deportation of all non-citizens and the sealing of the borders, that people would unhesitatingly call that candidate and dangerous yahoo and heap scorn upon him. Sure, such a bill would doubtless never pass congress, but the fact that he said he wanted to sign such a bill would be considered to be indicative of his character and policies.

Exactly!!!! If the aboved scenario occured I don't think we would be hearing America, or Commonweal, or others going chill don't worry. I am sort of amazed of a world view by some of lets not antagonze the Obama adminstration. The President is here to serve us not us him. I can not help but notice that Bush worked quite well with the Catholic Bishops and others even though on some issues there Catholic voices in stark oppostion to him. Why is Obama different?

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