Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Priest That Played Jazz on Bourbon Street- Father Coco

The New Orleans Catholic paper has a story of a Jesuit priest that was not only well known in New Orleans but I guess by many that went on retreats at Manresa. What a interesting man that just passed on a few years ago. It is a short pdf downlowad here


  1. Until the last year or so of his life, he also gave retreats at Grand Coteau, which is where I knew him. There is a book out that he was working on before his death that was just published in December 2008: Blessed Be Jazz : The Story of My Life As a Clarinet-Playing Jesuit Priest in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

  2. Thaks a alot. I ahve a little bit let on a Barnles and Nobles Gift Certificate and if they have it I Think I might get it. He sounds like a wonderful guy and priest
