Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Divorce and Home Schooling

The Volokh Conspiracy has a interesting post on what I see as a very disturbing Court opinion at Home Schooling as Factor in Child Custody Decisions


  1. The courts reasons were shoddy unless they were giving specific information about the homeschooling that indicated public schooling was the preferable choice (and in some instances I would agree) ... Still, in general the concerned parent of a homeschooled child takes these perceived negatives into consideration. For example, in diversity of instruction -- my kids are learning Spanish from a woman with a degree in it and a woman who grew up in Mexico city. It isn't like the whole of home education necessarily remains at home. It also fails to consider that diversity of instruction MAY or MAY NOT result in a child who is simply confused.

    How would they settle this dispute between a public/private school? I am seriously asking because that is the type of response they should have given (similar to the dissenting opinion I suppose) ...

  2. I agree. The COurt has a point as to this individual case that the parents failure to communicate is a factor in the other spouse having a say so in the Child's education

    In fact being informed and having a say so in the Child Educational process is often a major deal in Joint Custody but where one parent is the Domicle parent.

    That does present a problem.

    However the rest of the opinion and the reasoning as pointed out by the dissent is really BS IMHO and Home School folks need to be vigilent against this

    I think as to the Private school question (Unless it is some wacko group) that there would not be a major discussion if not perhaps a leaning to the priovate aspect
