Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Louisiana Still More Pro-Life Than South Dakota

But keep up the fight SD!!!! It was close

I noted in one of the Catholic defeats earlier the the Prohibition on abortion went down in South Dakota.

I would note though in Louisiana the legislature passed and the Governor signed a similar trigger measure.

Some people were not pleased.

Here is the text of the law. As I noted on another blog this goes into effect if Roe is overturned or reversed in part. Sadly that appears that will not be a reality in the near future from the results we saw last night.


  1. Kennedy could always have a conversion or maybe Obama will pull a republican and stumble into a pro-life justice.

    Hey, we can pray.

    P.S. How are you going to redesign the blog now that the McCain stuff has to go down?

  2. That is true. We can pray for that. Yeah I will have to take the McCain stuff down.

    I got to put up a lot of new links and clean it up. I pan on putting something there but I have to think about it

  3. Duh!!! Go Louisiana Tech theme this time ... Toby (Astonished) is back BTW. Not sure if you noticed :)

  4. No I did not. Can you give me his link
