Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pope Benedicts Prayer Intentions for September 2008

The Hurricane has got me off schedule a bit but I have not forgotten the Pope's prayer intentions for September
These particular things that he wishes all Catholics to pray for. When, for instance, we pray the rosary and say the prayers at the end for the intentions of the Holy Father, these are the intentions for which we're praying. That is just one way of keeping these intentions and praying for them
Pope Benedict's mission intention -
That, faithful to the sacrament of matrimony, every Christian family may cultivate the values of love and communion in order to be a small evangelizing community, sensitive and open to the material and spiritual needs of its brothers."
The Holy Father's general prayer intention -
That those who, because of wars or oppressive regimes, are forced to leave their homes and country may be supported by Christians in the defence and protection of their rights."

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