I must admit I don't have a big problem with kids being in political ads as some do. I am also not quite creeped out as others about this vid (IT IS NORTH KOREA) but still I find it kind of weird myself. So I am not sure how those that are not in the weeds with either Obama or McCain would think. Needless to say if the Kid's were singing a version of fun song like Kennedy's High Hopes and harping away about moving that rubber tree plant then the reaction might be different
The Anchoress has Exploiting kids for Obama; 2 minutes hate - UPDATED (she has other links)
Wizbang has The Indoctrination of Children Begins
Hot Air has Singing the new Gospel of the New Messiah; Update: NBC chief behind the effort?
Oh and this is not exactly "grassroots" see Confederate Yankee's yes, the source is pretty elite
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