Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Scary Swamp Thing In Louisiana- Honey Island Swamp Monster.

LOL, I have never heard of this.

When the creature heard their voices, it stood up on two feet and faced them,” Dana Holyfield said, recalling her grandfather’s story. “And then it ran into the brush,” but not before Ford got a long glimpse of its piercing eyes.“That’s the one thing he always talked about were those amber-colored eyes.”He also said it was covered in dingy, dark hair and possessed a smooth, hairless face that resembled a man.Although the creature was several feet away, Ford, who stood 6-foot-4, pegged it to be almost 7 feet tall.After the being took off, the two men followed it into the brush, where they inexplicably lost sight of it. But it wouldn’t be Ford’s last encounter with the unusual beast.

On another hunting excursion in 1974, Ford, alone in the damp swamp, was strolling along the bank of a slough when he noticed some commotion originating from the opposite bank. Upon investigation, he found a boar, quivering but dead, with its throat ripped out. Nearby the deceased animal he found fresh tracks left by a different animal he didn’t recognize. He likened it to the mysterious swamp creature and made plaster castings of the tracks and presented them to cryptozoologists at Louisiana State University.The Honey Island Swamp Monster was born.

More at the St Tammany News article Swamp 'thang' alive? Documentary released on legendary Honey Island swamp monster

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