Monday, August 11, 2008

Preparing for the Upcoming Holy Day of Obligation- The Death of Elvis

Will The Miracle of the Rosary Be Played At the Historic Church of Elvis?

We are preparing a for a Special Holy Day of Obligation down here in the The South. No not the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary but the Death of Elvis!!! (August 16th)

We learn that the Church that Elvis has been bought and is available for TOURS!! GO see Elvis’ boyhood church to reopen in Mississippi. A must trip through the Mississippi Delta for those that are making the Holy Pilgramage to Memphis this week.

I am looking forward to Vatican Insider Blogger and huge ELVIS FAN Whispers in the Loggia posts on this. Last year he had The Dormition of Elvis , and the year before that Elvis Has Entered the Cathedral

Another post Rocco had last year was Where "Hound of Heaven" Meets "Hound Dog" we learned:

the annual Assumption Day ritual at the Memphis parish whose boundaries encompass Graceland....A reader writes:

At St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church... the 3PM mass for the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, just hours before the Candelight Vigil, is always [offered] for the repose of the soul of Elvis Presley....[T]he church was filled to capacity. There were also camera crews (one from Europe somewhere, and one from Reuters) taping everything.At the offertory, we sang a medley that combined "Immaculate Mary" with Elvis' "Miracle of the Rosary," and the homily talked about how Mary leads people to Jesus, and if Elvis is in heaven, it's because he too led and leads people to Jesus. Also, for the sake of any non-Catholics who were there, the pastor explained the Church's understanding of Mary. He was joined by four concelebrating priests in town for the anniversary of Elvis' death, two of whom were from other countries.

It's not too often you get a Dual Holy Day... if anyone's ever wanted more reason to do Elvis Week, it's definitely something to keep in mind.

See also Five Catholic Facts About Elvis

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