Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Pope has a Question and Answer Session With Priests While on Vacation

The Pope is on vacation in Northern Italy but it is indeed a working vacation is some respects. Pope Benedict often has very interesting Q and A seesion with local priests. Today the Holy Father met w DIOCESAN CLERGY of Bolzano-Bressanone/Bozen-Brixen. So far nothing much has come over the Catholic english Newswires but AI expect that will change. The Ratzinger Forum is going to be translating some of this.

I shall update this link with more sources as they become available as to this Q@A Session.

However a very good Italian Ratzinger blog (that works well through google translate) has some inital stuff up and I will post that below. I have difficulty copying and pasting though because the Italian shows up also!!! So hit the below links. I am sure there will be much more detail later

The Pope: "As a young man I was' hard on the sacraments, but over time I realized that we must follow the example of the Lord" (Note this seems to be in reference to YOUNG PEOPLE See link below in update 1)

Benedict XVI: "The primacy is not an absolute monarchy but a service to the Church"

Brixen: the first indiscretions on the responses of the Pope to priests

The joyful meeting with the Pope's priests in the Cathedral of Bressanone. Intervista a Padre Lombardi (Radio Vaticana) Interview with Father Lombardi (Vatican Radio)
Update I- CNS Service has a initial article up at Pope tells priests to be generous giving sacraments to young people

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