Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Member of Papal Commission on Birth Control Prophecy FULFILLED?

I must say I have not been perfect in life following this Church teaching. Not to go into details but I can see how that perhaps not remaining true to that teaching had some major negative (to say the least ) results in my life.

But is hard to read this post at Mirrors of Justice and see what this person on the Papal commission decades ago said would happen have indeed occurred.

In fact even for a skeptic it is hard to see that all those predictions did not come true by mere chance.

What is further amazing is how the secular media that prides itself on challenging Social conventions and what makes people comfortable does not tackle this topic. Showing a amazing hypocrisy. Despite the fact that we see in Europe a horrible Revelation of what might be in our own future. That is the decimation of Western/Christian Civilization that is not reproducing..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Contraception is a symptom, not a cause. You and this revolted member of the Commission fail to realize that all these "prophecies" are symptoms of loss of faith, holiness and generosity on the part of society... contraception is just one more manifestation of this crisis - it is not the cause of the crisis.