Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Major Catholic Political Site Declares Latest McCain Ad RACIST!!!


I should be more clear. Vox Nova is actually a group Catholic political blog that has different contributors. It is though a blog that gets some traffic and is mentioned more and more. That is one reason perhaps for the sensational title of the post McCain Campaign Sinks Further into Depravity So this is a viewpoint of one contributor to the blog and is not indicative of the views of the entire posting membership

DEPRAVITY!!!! Be sure to read the LA Times blog link he has posted. It shows the fuller extent of this ad and what it portrays. We can debate what is true Depravity. Perhaps throwing out reckless charges regarding the sin and evil of racism is depravity.Southern Appeal has responded to this lunacy here at McCain’s latest ad: “The Obama Fan Club”

A few thoughts here. First this ad is again brilliant. It is light and a good piece to put out there while everyone wishes politics would go away for a while.

It also does something else. It elicits the hysterical response we see here. What is being done here is no doubt being duplicated elsewhere. What is amusing is how clueless and yet sincere this people are in these making these charges. Most people will look at the charge of racism and go "are you nuts". Then they will make the logical leap of wait do they think I am racist ! This is quickly followed by a thought "do I want to deal with four years of this crap"

This same contributor made a posting the other day parroting some talking points that had been released in response to McCain's "The One " ad. See How Low Can McCain Go? This is where silly charges of McCain playing the Obama is the Anti Christ card is pleaded. I just think that Ross Doucet's over at the Atlantic pretty much shows the silliness of this at Obama-Carpathia '08.

Please note the cleverness of REDSTATE and their response as Doucet points out. Redstate has their pulse on various demographics better than lets say the New York Times and Slate. They use humor and it works because people often responding do not recognize it's humor. However most people get the humor including evangelicals that so many people are convinced want to establish some theocracy or want to hang homosexuals at the courthouse square

One last thought on the ad itself. In a few weeks Obama will be giving his acceptance speech at MILE HIGH STADIUM. He is so big and fab he needs a huge venue like that. I think this is a very clever way to combat that media moment

While I typing this I notice another contributor at VOX NOVA posted Blogging about blogging that talks about how Catholic blogs in his view do not have original content and just comment on other blogs. Well I am seeing a ton of original content. He ends his piece by stating "Can’t the Catholic blogosphere do any better?"

Oh cry me a river. When a blog has sensational headlines and accuses a Presidential Candidate, a distinguished United States Senator, and a War Hero of using racism in ads for instance expect to be engaged. (please note he has the comments off).

Expect more of this however. It is no doubt hard to make a man that risked his political career on immigration reform, that spoke out on torture in Senate Committees , that was a force a reason while others were Arab and Muslim bashing during the Dubai Port Deal situation , that reached across the aisle on things like the Judges to make him some far right Attila the Hun. However if this is the best they got then we know we got them the gonads already.


miafrate said...

"Four years of this 'crap'"?

You would prefer four more years of avoiding the problem of racism in this country? I for one will welcome a presidency that will confront my white privilege.

When a blog has sensational headlines and accuses a Presidential Candidate, a distinguished United States Senator, and a War Hero of using racism in ads for instance expect to be engaged.

Is it out of the question that a presidential candidate, a senator, or a "war hero" would be racist? That's truly funny!

James H said...

Four years of Crap refers to baseless charges of racism. This has little to do with "white privledge" If you truly think that having Britney SPears in a commerical is sending some subtle sign that taps into racism then we have a long way to go in addressing the core problems of this country.

Mccain in his history has never shown signs of racism. I think if people wnat to make that charge they should back it up. Racism is a sin. I expect Catholics that assert that charge to do it in a serious matter. If not they are part of the problem not part of the solution

Pro Ecclesia said...

"Four years of this crap" is exactly right! Playing the race card where nothing remotely racist is taking place diminishes the seriousness of racism and creates the risk that real instances of racism will eventually be ignored as people become immune to ideologues hurling charge at the drop of a hat.

I seem to remember hearing a story about a little boy who cried "Wolf!"

miafrate said...

Playing the race card where nothing remotely racist is taking place diminishes the seriousness of racism and creates the risk that real instances of racism will eventually be ignored as people become immune to ideologues hurling charge at the drop of a hat.

Perhaps it isn't up to privileged whites like us to make the call whether or not anything "remotely racist is taking place."

Just a suggestion.

Pro Ecclesia said...

Perhaps it isn't up to privileged whites like us to make the call whether or not anything "remotely racist is taking place."

Just a suggestion.

Yeah, let's have subjective criteria for determining what is and is not racially offensive. That way, nobody knows what rules to play by.

Talk about an attitude that is SURE to contribute to the "Who wants to put up with four years of this crap" mentality.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the ad and don't need to. If the dissenters at Vox Nova don't like it, I will bet my life that it is wholesome.

Hey with Catholics like those, who needs heretics anyway?