Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Louisiana Catholic Blog Update for August 12 2008

I missed the Louisiana Catholic "Daily" blogger update yesterday. Sm we have some catching up to do since the Monday update usually involves what Bayou bloggers were saying over the weekend.

Here we go!!!

Da Mihi Animas who is out expat Priest Blogger in New Jersey has:
Kaw-Liga: Johnny Cash and Hank Williams Jr. ,
Some Words of Thomas Merton on Prayer,
Set me Free
Fathers Love Letter
Dublin to Host International Eucharistic Congress In 2012
United States: More and More People Pray in Spanish

Our Expat Priest in now in Texas Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has
has daily meditation of the gospel here at Feast of Saint Michael My (12 Aug 2008)

Our Catholic Deacon in New Orleans has Life on the (L)edge has a A BRIEF RESPITE

Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks has Simple Woman's Daybook ~ August 11, 2008 and They Coined a Phrase

The Lake Charles Latin Mass Society
has a post I will highlight later. He has the place where one can attend the Latin Mass for the Holy Day of Assumption coming up at Assumption

Thoughts & Ruminations from Fr. Ryan tells us that:
Yahweh is officially dead!!! as to in Liturgical songs!!! (Scroll down)
An elderly priest reflects on the past 40 years
He has a funny picture here
A quote from House MD here
He has his Homily for the Oform, 19th Sunday and his Homily for the TLM ip
Father also has a A Great Joke

has C.S. Lewis Song and another edition of Not Said By Jesus Sunday

Full Circle has some interesting news here at Episcopal priests from Fort Worth may be looking at Catholicism . Also see Children at mass ... *puff* and The movie Brazil ... in real life which is a interesting posts. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT because I had to go there to pay a ticket too one time

The Louisiana State - Catholic Daughters of the Americas have DEDICATION of HABITAT HOUSE

The The Louisiana Brown Pelican Society( lay Louisiana Catholic organization) has their major update as usual

Baby Cate has Taking the Underwear Off Our Head and Dirt Filled Nails

Catholic Tube has vids!!! See Lies and Damaging Relationships II and Lies and Damaging Relationships

The Louisiana Catholic Podcast to the WORLD has their new one up!!! Catholic Underground has CU Episode 84: Ketchup Chips Without a Permit. The description is "With Fr. Chris podcasting live from Toronto this week, the cu crew talks about the back to school rush (or lack thereof) and some ways you might remain Catholic while heading there. We offer up our picks of the week for your perusal. the cu metro rolls on: begging a right says the Vatican, unfortunate [...]."The links aka shownotes of the tihings they are talking about are located here at Shownotes, Episode 84

From The Recamier has her latest here at Daily Update: August 11, 2008. She has Saints!! Including a special unofficial Louisiana one

Moms and Kids At Home has Practice, practice, practice and Painless U.S. Geography

Unskilled Labor has Blue Moon Belgian White and this very funny post and pic New Obama Sign

Last but not least Ville Platte Catholic Youth Group has Undignified

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