Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Louisiana Catholic Blog Update For August 13 2008

It is time for the Louisiana Catholic "Daily" update. This is a pretty exciting one because we are adding two new bloggers.

However before we get to that BREAKING NEWS. For The Greater Glory is alive and well. I am Glad to see him starting to get back into the swing of things after his busy summer. He has Witnessing Hope and Charity in Political Commentary up.

Now lets go to our two new bloggers.

First we have from the Diocese of Lafayette Just Another Seminarian Blog . For the month of August he has posted Summer Seminar , One Faith, One Lord, One Baptism, One God Who Is Father , and Just Another Link .

Next we have Witnessing Hope that I am putting in the Diocese of Baton Rouge Link section. She is on a Misson Comayagua, Honduras . Her August entries are Please pray… ,“They have not seen the beauty of His face.” and another Please pray… and 20 days and counting! and finally “A very little spark”: St. Therese on Intercessory Prayer

Moms and Kids At Home has Kitchen Grease Disposal

From The Recamier has her latest here at Daily Update: August 12, 2008

Catholic Tube has vids. See Humane Vitae 40 Yrs Later

Anthony , Holly, and Elijah in Missions are our other Louisiana based Mission Folks. See their latest at Return to Mexico

The Louisiana Brown Pelican Society( lay Louisiana Catholic organization) has their major update as usual.

The Lake Charles Latin Mass Society has a post I want to plug again. It involves where and when the "Latin mass" for the Holy Day of the Assumption can be had in the Diocese of Lake Charles. See Assumption

Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks has Does Your Child Love Dogs?

Last but not least our EXPAT Priest blogger in New JerseyDa Mihi Animas has Bethany Dillon - Beautiful (Acoustic)

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