Saturday, August 9, 2008

Liberals Freaking Over Mccain Ad on Obama- Is he the Anti Christ!!

It seems some talking points came out and everyone is parroting them. Even over at the Catholic Blog VOX NOVA therewas sad attempt to do this. See How Low Can McCain Go?

I must say the comment section went into another direction which shows I think most people do not buy that line of attack

Most of the criticism is of course coming from those that have huge stereotypes of evangelical and have cartoon views of a highly complex and diverse theology that is contained in it.

Rod Dreher over at Crunchy Con pretty much nails what is going on at Obama as Antichrist liberal freakout

HE says in part:
I'm lovin' it. Honestly, the utter freakout of media liberals about those half-baked McCain ads is hilarious to watch. These are the same people who have built Obama up as a secular messiah who's going to come save us from the wicked legacy of Chimpy McBushitler, and when McCain starts to poke fun at the pop sanctimony surrounding Obama's image, these folks can't handle the teasing. If Obama becomes president, and has to undergo the usual criticism that presidents do, they're all going to spontaneously combust trying to police the heretics.

Do they really think this kind of paranoia helps Obama? Surely they can't. And yet...

It is amazing but they do not!!! Yet another sign that those that proclaim themselves often as the most diverse and cosmopolitan and open to ideas are quite in a bubble of their own

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