Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kathleen Sebelius as Obama's Vp is Ticket of Death in More Ways Than One

I am not a big fan of Kathryn Jean Lopez over at the Corner but she still has good insight at times. She states this morning:

Kathleen Sebelius [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
The Kansas governor’s picture has been up on Drudge since yesterday afternoon as a
possible Obama veep choice. Barack Obama will not choose her unless he wants to officially declare the Democratic party the Party of Death (Hat Tip to Ramesh, who did not call the Democratic party the party of death, but if that’s the Change You Can Believe in that The One wants to offer ….). What’s the Matter with Kansas is that Planned Parenthood seems to operate like a political machine there (just ask Phill Kline). And Barack Obama doesn’t need that kind of attention — a running mate who held a reception for George Tiller last year at the governor’s residence. In response to buzz that she might be under consideration, Robert Novak called her the “Vice President for Abortion.” The President for Infanticide might not want that if he actually wants to be president.
08/20 11:11 AM

Also unsaid here is a "Catholic". A Catholic that is now prohibited from receiving communion because of her extreme stances on abortion.

Many Catholics and Non Catholics have come a long way since President Kennedy's time. I think Evangelicals , Catholics, and and many Protestants are becoming more aware that his famous Houston speech where he assured that his faith would not influence him set bad things in motion. (more on that later IN ANOTHER POST).

For any party of course to pick a PRO CHOICE Catholic as VP or President is fraught with danger. Many Catholics will work hard not to see that happen.. They like me do not want the scandal, the communion issues, the fact that on a World Stage we shall have to see a Pro-Choice American Catholic President or VP meeting with the Pope, and finally we worry about the effect on the faith as a whole. We have a sneaking feeling that Bishops will lack back bone to stand up to such a creature as a "Catholic" Pro- choice President or VP setting bad precedents

Anyway for for Obama that is having problems with his infanticide vote, having a another extreme pro choice on the person would kill him.

As a Catholic and looking at this in a political or through a McCain lens, I hope he does not pick her. I Rather not have the scandal

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