Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bush Worships In China-Onward Christian Soldiers

He exited to the strains of "Onward Christian Soldiers." Speaking to reporters in a driving rain, he alluded to the millions of Chinese who brave harassment and arrest to worship at unregistered "house" churches.

Isn't something that in many Churches here in American people go into a fit over that song :) That just struck me.

Anyway this article from the Denver Post has some aspect of what Bush said on Religious Liberty in China

More here at President Bush, at Beijing church, says 'no state' should fear religion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right about "Onward Christian Soldier": many in our country think the lyrics are far too aggressive. These are the same people who, if faced with government arrest for attending church (like our brave brothers and sisters face in China), would simply not go.