Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The August Carnival of Church Fathers is UP!!!

Something was bugging me all week like I was forgetting something. Then it hit me!!! I had not seen the August Patristic Carnival!! So I went to the always reliable God Fearin Forum AKA Army of Martyrs and as the French that we beat last two nights ago in the Olympic Swimming Relay say VOLIA :). Go to his link Patristic Carnival XIV Is Up for the link

Also check out his very good posts on his blog.A Quick Response to a PCA Pastor , On the Priesthood , Do Catholics Also Use Private Judgment? , The Term "Catholic Church" in Secular Usage , and a very interesting post CDW: Protect the Sanctity of God's Name . Oh and he is doing a NFL pickum thing Attention NFL Fans

I intend to engage and highlight a couple of his posts more this week.

Returning to the Patristic Carnvial let me say this. NON CATHOLICS BE NOT AFRAID CLICK THE LINK. Though there is Catholic input what is nice about it is that Evangelicals, Orthodox, and people from the reformed tradition have contributions. Even the infamous James White is listed so it is not all Popish propaganda :) but quite an ecumenical piece of work

Who knows perhaps one day someone that has a better working knowledge of the Church Fathers than I, my Cajun protestant reformed friend Cajun Hugenot will submit a article one day :) HINT HINT HINT

There is a ton here and I will try to highlight just a few this week


Who I am... said...

Cool! I'm going to check that out. By the way, you'll have to read the most recent anti-Catholic ranting that was posted to my blog by Kerri, a fervantly anti-Catholic woman who used to haunt my old blog. I posted her comment in a new thread this morning (Aug. 12) ...

James H said...

LOL i was just over at your blog and saw that., I thought of doing a post on it but thought Iwas a tad too tired to do it. It is amazing. I am a former baptist too and even IF that sipposed visonary cannot be linked with Darby woth conclusive proof it is really something the influence she had and how Darby just pretty much invented something that does not have much testimony in Christina hisotry at all

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the links James!