Friday, June 6, 2008

Heard about this Catholic Locutionist in Ireland?

Deal Hudson over at Inside Catholic is over in Ireland right now reporting on the most interesting story. There appears to be a locutionist of groing fame over in Ireland he is checking out by the name of Anne. Now I take these things with a grain of salt.

For instance I just learned yesterday that some Lady in Washington, Louisiana is saying the Virgin Mary is appearing to her. Maybe she is. However these things happen and I am intrigued by this woman he is reporting on .

He is going to have a full story on this but he has his first blog entry up at Meeting Anne in Ireland

1 comment:

  1. Hey John,

    I've actually read some of "Anne the 'Lay Apostle's" writings. My friend's dad is responsible for publishing the stuff in the US and let me say it isn't anything special.

    It is a lot of "Jesus says, "Pray, laugh, have fun in life." Many comforting phrases and such.

    I'd just prefer to stick with St. Louise de Montfort.
