Thursday, June 19, 2008

ANWAR DRILLING- A Workable Deal with the Green Folks!!

Seems everyone is concerned about drilling in the Alaska Tundra where not much lives in the land of ANWAR and the fear of far fetched effects it might on the environment.

Here is a deal we drill there and the Federal Govt has to devote a percentage of it profits it gets from the leases and tax revenue to Louisiana Coastal erosion projects,

This a massive problem that truly threatens to destroy a Culture, a way of life, a tax base, a massive economy, that threatens the nations Seafood supply, threatens a segment of the US farming sector(via Salt Walter intrusion,), threaten major Cities, threatens an whole eco system that will effect people in Houma to Duck Hunters way up North. We are surrendering land to the Gulf of Mexico at alarming rate!!

If we are really concerned about the Environment we are in crisis stage down here. I find it amazing that the Nation's environmental groups are concerned about far fetched risk in Alaska and we are getting nada. Despite the fact that much of this problem is caused because we make sure the Nations most important highway (The Mississippi River) does not divert course. I could get into how much the nation benefits off the Intracoastal Canal that further causes us problems in this arena.

I will not get into how again Louisiana will be the silent victim of the Midwestern floods as more of that nitrate rich runoff goes into the Mississippi River and creates a huge Dead zone where seal life cannot live off our coast. Basically we are the Nations sewer down here.

Seems like a fair trade to me

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