Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is Obama Smoking the Key to Victory in Indiana?

Maybe. Confession time here. I am smoker that now knows it is time to quit. However Crunchy Con has a link to a pretty funny and good article/letter Let Barack smoke!

Part of the letter says:
One little cigarette might even help Barack with white working-class voters! Think about the pure gold of "Barack outside smoking with the boys," like he surely used to do, talking sports with the friendly janitors who were having a smoke outside the University of Chicago Law School. If Hillary had stopped smoking, believe me, she'd have started again (and denied she ever stopped), and then reminisced about her smoking breaks with the gals back when she worked as a hair-netted cafeteria lady in a Terre Haute elementary school.
Can Barack please have a cigarette?

How true. I have a more personal connection to him already. I can see him in LSU's Tiger Stadium where I among thousand others are contemplating the best place to get a quick smoke.

The Bathroom or some hidden part of the Concourse Obama would be thinking as the Tigers are trying to make another last seat of your paints comeback in the Fourth quarter while they are down by 14. . I already see Obama knowing how it feels for little ole me in not having the Ushers find out and kick me out because the Tigers are really causing me to start needing one.

We can see Obama , before he had his own Private airplane, contemplating how much time he has in changing planes to get outside the airport to get one quick cig. I start contemplating this before we even liftoff!! When does that thought process kick in for Obama? Does he avoid the Airport bar too because it is No Smoking!! Does he go what having a beer and not having a cig- sorry does not compute? Already I am thinking less of Obama the Messiah and more Obama the person I can relate too.

I can imagine Obama after a tough day kicking back and taking one of those deep drags and going relief!!! Smokers understand. It also is a nice counterweight to all the Obama is the Messiah stuff that honestly turns a lot of people off.

Many folks would say look he is fallible just like us. George Bush had this and it helped him. People knew he was wild boy in the past and did things that many of us did. Those experiences while we might wish to take back form us. We also like talking about them. Many the average joe could relate the Bush- The Frat Boy- Bush the guy that got a DWI, Bush the guy that made some mistakes but had to grow up. Bush was a guy many felt you could sit down with and talk about your woes. Even drink a beer with if he still drank.

Now I am not out to help Obama. WE ARE McCAIN ALL THE WAY here on this blog. Also I would not recommend he start chaining out there on the campaign trail. But a few pics leaked of Obama taking a deep drag off a cigarette at the end a day when Rev Wright mouths off again would produce him votes.

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