Sunday, July 29, 2007

New Catholic Blog I am Adding- The Canterbury Tales

I really enjoy the Canterbury Tales blog by Taylor Marshall. His post are always interesting, clear, and insightful. He touches also some things regarding the Catholic faith that I think gives him a niche in a way. First there is his background.

He has an extremely interesting background that makes him a blessed asset to the Catholic blogsphere. He was raised in the Presbyterian Church in the USA and was active in it. I think Catholics sometimes miss that Presbyterians and especially Calvinist are really some of the most intellectual heavy weights of the Protestant tradition. He often picks up on some important trends happening in his former Christian community that Catholics should be aware of and epsecially those in apologetics. Mr Marshall , like many Converts to the Catholic faith, did not come directly to Rome. He became a Anglican. In fact he was a Anglican Priest. He later converted to the Catholic faith. He is now assistant director at the Catholic Information Center in Washington DC. He and his family shall soon be moving to the Dallas area where he shall be obtaining a Ph.D. at the University of Dallas in the fall. The University of Dallas is a wonderful Catholic School by the way.

Let me highlight a few post that I think are real interesting.

He really hits on a subject that strangely is getting no notice in the Catholic blogsphere. That is the Federal Vision debate in the Presbyterian Church. For Louisiana folks, you might be interested to know that a leading church and one of the leader of "Federal Vision" comes out of the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church in Monroe Louisiana. In fact sometimes "Federal Vision" is called the Auburn Church Movement. These folks should be engaged because as he points out some as they continue their journey will be open to Catholicism. Go to these post to learn more:

The Catholic Prespective on the Federal Vision-

Another PCA convert to Catholicism Discusses the Federal Vision Debate-

Federal Vision Loses, Zwinglians Win: PCA-GA 2007-

He touches on a lot of interesting topics. What is the difference between the Vatican and the Holy See? They even have two web sites. Go here to find out.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the kind words. I'll look forward to reading more on your blog.

    Taylor Marshall
